Santa Claus and Rudolph share their travel adventures: From the South Pole to a flower meadow – Christmas from a fresh perspective!
🎅 "What nobody knows…"
After saying goodbye to the South Pole, the big journey began – completely incognito, of course! First, they set off on a cruise ship. "It was so relaxing," Santa says enthusiastically. "Rudolph and I just let our spirits rest and enjoyed the gentle rocking of the ocean."
But then it got adventurous – they cruised through the tropical rainforest! With colorful parrots and fragrant blossoms all around. Rudolph was absolutely smitten, especially with the birds landing on his antlers. 🦜🌴
Then came a particularly special destination: the pyramids of Giza. "It was impressive," Santa recounts. "Rudolph discovered a brand-new hobby: he loves sand!" Rudolph nods proudly and jingles his bells. 🏜️🎄
Oh, Santa almost forgot: "Of course, I also visited a dreamy beach. Palms, waves, and me barefoot in the sand – it was delightful!"
But, and Santa reveals this with a mischievous smile, his favorite place was in Bavaria. "A flower meadow near Munich – it was so idyllic. Rudolph even tried to convince a cow to pull the sleigh. It didn’t work, but we had a lot of fun." 🐮🌼
🎅 "And now?"
"Now we’re almost back at the North Pole. Tomorrow is the big Christmas Eve, and we’re ready to bring joy and love to the world." Santa places his hand on his heart. "I wish you all a Merry Christmas, wonderful holidays – and for those who celebrate: a Happy Hanukkah! May it be a celebration of hope and light for everyone."
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